Features include support for all of our customer and guest pagers but also support for waiter SP4 service pagers we also manufacture.
There are four types of message that are available from the T9560MT comprising:
30 second flash
4 minute flash
Flash & Beep
The unit operates on 459.100 MHz UHF in the United Kingdom which is fully legal ensuring uninterrupted and strong communications.
Wireless programmability allows facilities to renumber pagers on site
Easy-to-use device with one-touch paging
Rechargeable transmitter allows for freedom of movement
Can serve as backup guest paging transmitter
The all-page feature can notify staff simultaneously
Eliminates overhead paging, improving ambiance
Up to 4 messages can be sent
Quickens table turn times in restaurants
The all page feature can notify all pagers at the same time
Improves staff efficiency
Enhances overall customer experience
Range test mode shows you the operating range of the pager
Wireless pager programmability
Molded Lexan case
Pages ALL LRS Pagers
All-page feature
Economically priced
Crystal-controlled frequency
1, 2 or 3 vibrations provides multiple messaging capability
Handles up to 999 pagers
Range test mode
Operates on battery or 240v in the UK
Built-in battery check
UHF frequency 459.100Mhz in the UK
Compact Size – 8.25cm w x 26.65cm h (including antenna) x 3.17cm d